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Accu-Scope EXC-400 Trinocular Microscope with Upgraded Apochromatic Objectives.


Looking for an Olympus BX43, CX43, Nikon CiL, Si, Laxco LMC-5000, LMC4000, Fisher LMC4BF1, LMC4PH18 microscope?  The Accu-Scope has the same or better image, may times is built better, and costs much less. 

Accu-Scope EXC-400 Trinocular Microscope, SPlan APO Objectives

  • *Trinocular viewing head, inclined 30°, rotatable 360°

    *WF10x/22mm focusable eyepieces with eyeguards

    *Reversed quintuple nosepiece

    *Infinity SPlan Apo 4x, 10x, 40xR & 100xR oil objectives

    *N.A 1.25 swing-out achromatic condenser

    *Ceramic hard coated mechanical stage

    *Coaxial focusing

    *Variable 3w LED illumination with field iris, dust cover

Microscope Solutions, Inc., Holly Springs, NC  |  800-231-7910
All Rights Reserved


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